Personal Thoughts from a Deep Thinker

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Back from Cincinnati and ready to get this show on the road...

Last night, I sat down to update my resume, and the more I think about it, the more unfair those things are. How can a single piece of paper (or two, in some cases) fully describe someone and accurately depict their abilities and skills for a job? How can you condense those years of learning in high school and college, your experiences with jobs, everything that made you who you are...into a few sheets of paper? How can you tell an employer about yourself in that short of a paragraph? You can't. They're going to hire you based on your GPA, your awards, your recommendations. They won't know that you'd go the extra mile to make sure something is right...they won't know that some nights, you worked past your shift to cover for someone but never got paid for it...there's a lot they won't know. God, how am I ever going to find a job?


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