Personal Thoughts from a Deep Thinker

Sunday, January 09, 2005

I'm Unbreakable...

I have that song by Katrina Elam stuck in my head for some reason, as I usually do when I feel like I am about to taste defeat. "I'm unbreakable, I'm unshakeable, I've got a shatter-proof heart." For some reason, I haven't felt very positive the last few days. Especially when I sat down to write more of my thesis, and experienced a major block. I had a fifteen-page outline of precisely what I wanted to say...but the words that existed in my head refused to be captured and placed upon the page. I gave up and wrote anyway; I can always go back and edit later. The grand total: 30 pages on Elie Wiesel. 19 on Corrie ten Boom. 49 pages written during break thus far...and still more to come. I just hope it's a worthwhile 49 pages.

I printed out an application today for the Masters of Library and Information Sciences today, and started filling it out. For some reason, I'm beginning to feel swayed in this direction, and I think it's worth investigating. After all, I want to get a decent job with my degree, and having a Master's may help in that process. I hope I feel some connection with the program, as I did when I started in history a few years ago.

My boyfriend also called me last night. We made plans for him to possibly come up on the Saturday before classes start. That way, we can go out with some of my friends to Howl at the Moon and I can spend some more time with him before we actually have to think about school again. This is going to be my last undergrad semester...though if I get accepted into the library science program, I will be on campus once again, and able to spend time with him during his senior year. After that is nothing but uncertainty. I really hate not having the power to predict the future sometimes, and not having the power to control things...maybe it's better that I don't, though. Although my boyfriend was quite unexpected...he's definitely someone I could see myself spending the rest of my life with, if things work out that way. I get the feeling sometimes that he feels the same way, especially from the little comments he makes, and that makes me happy :o)

Anyway, that's about it from here. Although I've felt a little separation anxiety from my's nothing I can't deal with on my own. After all, I did for almost a year before I met him!

And he calls me the love of his life... <3


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