Personal Thoughts from a Deep Thinker

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Oh. My. God.

So. For the past month and a half or so, I've been aware of this girl who has been after my boyfriend. She's been friends with him since high school, and for some reason, she has it in her crazy little head that there's potential for the two of them. I actually had meet her when I went to Cincinnati to visit him. We ran into her at the mall. Let's just say I wasn't too worried after I saw her...

Not that I really was from the beginning. When I fell in love with my boyfriend, there was a level of trust there, and he has done nothing to make me think twice about it. I told him I trusted him...I just didn't trust her. Because they've been friends since high school, he doesn't really want to break off the friendship. On some level, I don't blame him...on another level, it seems like their friendship may just be encouraging her to believe that he wants something more, though he's told her multiple times that that is not the case.

I guess what really aggravates me is her lame attempts at whatever she is trying to do. For example, she called him four times in half an hour because he never called her to go hang out...and then sent him an email saying she felt like he was blowing her off (um...duh?!). Then, when they finally did go out and he took his friend along, she purposely left her wallet in his car. He had his friend take it back over her house. Finally, she called and tried to make the guys change their plans so she could tag along. What the hell is wrong with this girl? She knows damn well that he has a girlfriend, yet she never gives up!

The part that got me was the fact that the only fault his stepmother found with me was that I was "too possessive." When he asked her what she meant by that, she said I made a comment about the girl he's friends with while we were at the dinner table. He said, "But I make comments about her all the time...we're only friends, but she wants something more than that." His stepmother kind of blew that off, until this girl called and called and called. Yeah...somehow, I don't think she's going to accuse me of being too possessive anymore.

Give it up, woman...jeez!


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