Personal Thoughts from a Deep Thinker

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Here we go again...

...and the stress begins. Where do I start?

First off, Mom and I got into it again today. She threw a new one at me by informing me that she and Dad won't be helping me pay for an apartment for grad school. Because "it's grad school" and I should pay for everything myself. I don't know how I am going to do that, aside from working my ass off all summer.

Secondly, Rudy's been a bit subdued the last couple of days. Nothing too bad; he still tells me he loves me and gets all cuddly before we go to sleep at night. But I haven't heard the phrase "love of my life" in quite a few days...and then I get upset at myself for reading into everything. I think he's still mad at me for how I handled the DJ situation with Kappa Phi; he doesn't understand it. I can't expect him to. These girls, well...some of them...are my friends, and they aren't out to get me. They got their signals crossed, two of them are fighting, and one of them made the mistake of telling me to give the DJ the go-ahead when she should have told me to wait. I won't be bringing up Kappa Phi issues to Rudy anymore.

I need to go to the rec tonight and work out. I need to get this stress out of my system. And I told Rudy I'd be eating alone tonight because the past couple of days, he's been...monitoring? food intake. It's sweet to have someone concerned about my well-being, but honestly, I know how much I have to eat to regulate myself...I don't have an eating disorder. It just reminds me of how my mom used to watch me like a hawk...I can't tell him that, though; he'd get insulted. I do love him a lot.


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